A seguito della campagna di pressione della coalizione italiana contro la Carmel-Agrexco, due importanti catene italiane di supermercati, COOP e Nordiconad, hanno dichiarato la sospensione della vendita dei prodotti Agrexco, principale esportatore di prodotti agricoli da Israele e dalle colonie israeliane illegali nei Territori Palestinesi Occupati.
Fonte Stop Agrexco Italia
lunedì 24 maggio 2010
mercoledì 10 marzo 2010
Israeli court to hear civil case over death of Rachel Corrie in Gaza
An Israeli court today is to begin hearing a civil suit brought against the Israeli government over the death of Rachel Corrie, the US activist who was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza seven years ago. (...)
Corrie, who was born in Olympia, Washington, travelled to Gaza to act as a human shield at a moment of intense conflict between the Israeli military and the Palestinians. On the day she died, when she was just 23, she was dressed in a fluorescent orange vest and was trying to stop the demolition of a Palestinian home in Rafah. She was crushed under a military Caterpillar D9R bulldozer and died shortly afterwards. (...)
fonte The Guardian
Corrie, who was born in Olympia, Washington, travelled to Gaza to act as a human shield at a moment of intense conflict between the Israeli military and the Palestinians. On the day she died, when she was just 23, she was dressed in a fluorescent orange vest and was trying to stop the demolition of a Palestinian home in Rafah. She was crushed under a military Caterpillar D9R bulldozer and died shortly afterwards. (...)
fonte The Guardian
venerdì 5 marzo 2010
time flies
... and I don't write so often ...
I just came back from Palestine, a very short staying in Ramallah and Jerusalem to attend a National Conference of the Palestinian MoEHE (Ministry of Education and Higher Education)... meeting new colleagues, teachers and students, dinners with very old friends and loosing some other friends ...
Ramallah is growing up somehow, becoming bigger with the same contradictions of the "5 stars prison" (as Amira Hass call it); and the magic Dome of the Rock and the small streets of the old town where I like to walk without knowing where to go, I can really loose myself there and forget everything.
Everything has changed, absolutely nothing changed.
giovedì 18 febbraio 2010
Na'vi in Palestine
The village of Bilin reenacted James Cameron's new film Avatar during todays weekly demonstration. Five Palestinian, Israeli and international activists were painted blue, with pointy ears and tales, resembling the Avatar characters. Like Palestinians, the Avatars fight imperialism, although the colonizers have different origins. The Avatars presence in Bilin today symbolizes the united resistance to imperialism of all kinds.
Siamo i Na'vy e questa è Pandora (in italiano)
Siamo i Na'vy e questa è Pandora (in italiano)
mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010
Israel withholding NGO employees' work permits
The Interior Ministry has stopped granting work permits to foreign nationals working in most international nongovernmental organizations operating in the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, Haaretz has learned.
In an apparent overhaul of regulations that have been in place since 1967, the ministry is now granting the NGO employees tourist visas only, which bar them from working.
Organizations affected by the apparent policy change include Oxfam, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, Terre des Hommes, Handicap International and the Religious Society of Friends (a Quaker organization). (...)
Fonte Amira Hass per Haaretz
In an apparent overhaul of regulations that have been in place since 1967, the ministry is now granting the NGO employees tourist visas only, which bar them from working.
Organizations affected by the apparent policy change include Oxfam, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, Terre des Hommes, Handicap International and the Religious Society of Friends (a Quaker organization). (...)
Fonte Amira Hass per Haaretz
giovedì 31 dicembre 2009
don't forget Gaza

Gaza Freedom March participants confronted by Egyptian security on the banks of the Nile. International Gaza Activists have been denied access to the Erez border crossing, and some groups have been confined to their lodgings, bus stations and embassies under threat of deportation. Thanks to Konda Mason for this footage.
human rights,
sabato 28 novembre 2009
To Gaza, with love

Anche tu puoi partecipare da lontano alla Gaza Freedom March: invia una tua foto, un messaggio o un disegno con la delegazione ECCP Italia (Coordinamento europeo per la Palestina).
Per portare la solidarietà di tutta l'Italia alla popolazione di Gaza, verrà composto uno "striscione mosaico" con foto, messaggi e disegni. Contribuisci anche tu con un tassello!
Partecipare è semplice:
- Prepara un tassello per lo "striscione mosaico". Per esempio:
- scatta una tua foto, anche con un cartello (vedi sotto alcuni esempi);
- scrivi un breve messaggio per la gente di Gaza;
- fai un disegno originale.
Dà spazio alla tua creatività!
- Invia il tassello per email all'indirizzo: agazaconamore@gmail.comIndirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo
Se vuoi fare di più, organizza un evento per raccogliere tasselli da inviare.
Ogni tassello sarà prezioso per far sapere a Gaza che non è sola. Invialo oggi!
Fonte Actionforpeace
human rights,
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