If you can’t remember the last time you were truly awed, amazed, or inspired on your trip abroad, consider coming to Palestine next time. Palestine is a box of treasures waiting to be discovered, a mystery to be unravelled, and today’s best-kept travel secret. An astonishing array of sights and experiences packed into a small area awaits you, for diversity is the keynote of this ancient and holy land. A meeting place of ecosystems and civilizations throughout history, it has been at once the destination and destiny for people drawn from all over the world throughout the ages: pilgrims and painters, monks and merchants, travellers and writers-all these and more have fallen under its spell and left their marks not only on Palestine but on the entire world as well. Its moderate climate and yearly schedule of festivals and religious feasts make Palestine an ideal year-round travel destination. Whatever the season, your heart will be warmed by the generosity and hospitality of the Palestinian people.
(fonte: This week in Palestine, A Personal Invitation from the Heart of Palestine by Eng. Judeh Morkus, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities).
e se vi va di leggere ancora delle bellezze della Palestina, fatevi un viaggio virtuale (o reale) qua ... PS: ma quanto sono belli i cammelli di questa immagine???
1 commento:
Ho paura dei cammelli! Ma tutto il resto mi attira, eccome!
Un abbraccio grandissimo e a presto!
Anna Paola
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