giovedì 25 gennaio 2007

marcia virtuale

This Saturday 27 January, hundreds of thousands of Americans will march on Washington DC to demand peace and justice in Iraq and the Middle East. The global partnership Avaaz is working to raise a worldwide voice of solidarity through an international virtual march. Time is short, so add your voice and join the march today!
This Saturday, Avaaz supporters at the US march will carry banners and country placards announcing how many of us from each nation are joining the marching. Every signature will be counted on the banners! Let’s raise a global voice for a real plan to end this war. Let’s make those numbers big. Time is short. Join the global peace march and tell your friends today!


basta sottoscrivere qua e si partecipa virtualmente alla marcia per domandare pace e giustizia in Iraq e in Medio Oriente.

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