martedì 5 dicembre 2006

One State or Two?

One State or Two? Rashid Khalidi & Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Two leading Palestinian-American intellectuals discuss their new books: Rashid Khalidi's "The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood" and Ali Abunimah's "One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse."

Un dibattito dello scorso 28 novembre (pubblicato su Democracy Now e disponibile anche nella versione video) che ripropone la questione della possibilità di risolvere il conflitto in Medio Oriente creando un unico stato Israele-Palestina in cui tutti abbiano gli stessi diritti e gli stessi doveri:

ALI ABUNIMAH: the reason to oppose a one-state solution is because it would be democracy. That Palestinians would have an equal rights, one person, one vote, and an equal share in deciding the future of the country. ... There are many models out there for dealing with those sort of things. So that you have one person, one vote, full democracy, full equality, while at same time, ethnic communities, the Israeli-Jewish community, the Palestinian community, will have mechanisms for expressing their national identity, for decision making over issues that concern them. We have to stop thinking this very simplistic, binary way.

RASHID KHALIDI: both Palestinians and Israelis are very attached to the idea of having their own state. Now, these are not just ethnic communities, these are peoples that have developed powerful senses of national identities, in part in conflict with one another. And to talk about how you move them towards a future of peace, in which you have one state and are operating within a single political system, involves not just a whole process of education and structures, which Ali does talk about in his book, but overcoming what seems to be very strong majority views in both peoples about how they want to organize their national life.

...altro che Porta a Porta .... :((((((((

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