sabato 31 ottobre 2009

Un calcio alla guerra

Il 26 ottobre ad Al Ram, a nord di Gerusalemme in territorio palestinese, si è svolta l’amichevole di calcio Giordania-Palestina. Davanti a diecimila spettatori giocavano 22 donne. “Uno storico evento” dice Jibril Rajoub, presidente dell’Associazione calcistica palestinese. Nel suo programma, spiega al New York Times, è previsto l’inserimento delle donne in tutti i ruoli per “distruggere per sempre l’idea che le signore possono fare solo le segretarie”.

Tra i sogni di Rajoub c’è quello di invitare la nazionale femminile degli Stati Uniti: secondo lui servirebbe a migliorare i rapporti tra i due paesi più di qualsiasi visita di George Mitchell, l’inviato speciale per il Medio Oriente dell’amministrazione Obama. Lo sport è “il modo giusto per dimostrare che stiamo cercando la pace e l’indipendenza”, conclude il presidente. Anche se, per adesso, una partita con la squadra israeliana forse è ancora prematura.

Intanto questa si è conclusa due a due.

Fonte Internazionale online

venerdì 30 ottobre 2009

After Being Evicted From Their Home, Families’ Temporary Tent Is Destroyed By Israeli Authorities

On Tuesday the Israeli authorities dismantled the tent and took away the remaining possessions of the Al-Ghawi family who had been camping outside the home they were evicted from in August. (...)
The Ghawi family was evicted from their home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem in August this year and the same day a family of Israeli settlers took occupancy. The Ghawi’s had since set up a tent on the pavement opposite where they’d been living whilst petitioning their eviction. The family was given the house in 1956 by the UN agency UNRWA after being forcibly removed from their original home in West Jerusalem. The Israeli Authorities now claim the land the house is built on belongs to a Jewish family dating back to the Ottoman Empire though know legal documentation has ever materialized to verify this claim. (...)

fonte Palestine Monitor

giovedì 22 ottobre 2009

Beato chi riposa in pace

Ogni tanto telefono ai Samouni, a Gaza, per salutarli. Quando un automatico “Come va?” scivola dalle mie labbra, immediatamente me ne rammarico.

Amira Hass su Internazionale

lunedì 19 ottobre 2009

Il rapporto Goldstone delle Nazioni Unite

Il rapporto Goldstone in italiano, l'inchiesta della Missione delle Nazioni Unite presieduta da Richard Goldstone che ha verificato crimini di guerra e violazioni dei diritti umani a Gaza compiute dall'esercito israeliano e da Hamas.
Nel rapporto si chiede il deferimento di Israele dinanzi al tribunale internazionale per i crimini di guerra.
La reazione di Israele ha avuto come risultato l'allineamento degli USA e per un certo periodo
anche dell'Autorità Palestinese, che poi dinanzi alla reazione della società civile palestinese ha fatto marcia indietro.
Staremo a vedere che succede ...

lunedì 12 ottobre 2009

BDS Marathon

Israeli arrests of Palestinian human rights activists aim at stopping grassroots activism and the global call for Israeli accountability in front of international courts and through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns. We therefore call on all people all over the world to let Israel know: “If you want to arrest the BDS movement, you have to catch us all!”

What’s the BDS Marathon? – Two days of non-stop BDS activities around the globe!

Save your time slot now!

Participation is simple:

1) Organize an event activity during Friday and Saturday 16/17 October 2009 and let us know at:
2) Stop the Wall will publish a time table with all planned activities.
3) We will put you in touch with the activists mobilizing before and after you. If your activity and access to internet/phone allows, you will be able to directly take over from the previous activity and hand over to the next action.

You may organize activities such as protests, leaflets handouts, street actions, speaking events, video screenings, book readings, powerpoint presentations, radio/TV programs, internet actions, a twitter campaign, a fax blitz…Be creative!

For activist material to make your event a success, contact

For more information about Mohammad Othman, see:

For more information about the repression of the communities affected by the Wall see:

mercoledì 7 ottobre 2009

Inshallah Beijing!

Ghadir sogna che qualcuno le compri delle scarpe da corsa. Nader si allena sperando che un missile non gli piova sulla testa. Zakia non ottiene il permesso di allenarsi in una piscina in territorio israeliano.
Sono gli atleti della squadra olimpica palestinese che si allena a Gerico per prendere parte alle Olimpiadi di Pechino. Inshallah, se Dio vuole, perchè molte difficoltà devono essere superate prima di arrivare in Cina.
La difficoltà più grande è rappresentata dal fatto di gareggiare per una nazione che ancora non esiste, la Palestina, e che non ha I mezzi per supportare I propri atleti.
"Inshallah Beijing!" è la storia della loro avventura olimpica.

Ghadir dreams that at last someone will buy her some running shoes. Nader trains while hoping that a missile doesn't land on him. Zakia hasn't got a permit from the military authorities to get to the swimming pool.
They are athletes belonging to the Palestinian team who leave Jericho in July 2008 to take part in the Beijing Olympic games. Inshallah, God willing. Because a lot of difficulties must be overcome before reaching China.
First and foremost, the difficulty in competing for a country that doesn't exist yet – Palestine – and that doesn't have the means to support its athletes. It won't be easy to adapt because the war is not just at home: the athletes carry it inside them.
Getting to Beijing is already a victory.

full movie here
now @ Al Kasaba international film festival 2009

martedì 6 ottobre 2009

Palestinian villagers plant on land threatened by Israeli settlement expansion

On the morning of Saturday 3 October 2009 villagers from At-Tuwani in the South Hebron hills, supported by Israeli and international peace activists, carried out a successful planting action in Khelli valley, on the edge of the village. (...)
At-Tuwani villagers, ranging in age from 4 to late 70s, dug and planted in the field. In total between 50 and 60 people took part in the work: Palestinian villagers, Israelis and internationals. They cleared the field adjacent to the one expropriated last year, and planted 36 edible cactus plants. Because of the lack of water in the area it was necessary for the villagers to bring in a truck with water for the fledgling plants.
Despite a heavy presence of Israeli police, border police, army, and the attendance of the DCO, the work was completed without interruption.

Photos available here:

Fonte Operation Dove

lunedì 5 ottobre 2009

Gaza Tunnels

Zouheir Alnajjar, a Collective Journalism contributor who lives in Gaza, takes us through the secret tunnels that connect Gaza and Egypt - a common route for smuggling under the border.
The tunnels beneath the Egyptian border have become a common way for Palestinians to attain items that they cannot due to the Israeli restrictions on imports into the Gaza Strip. Some of these items, like medicine or cigarettes, are relatively innocuous, but weapons and rocket parts are also smuggled through the tunnels, making them a target for Israel's IDF forces.
Collective Journalism, Current's citizen journalism program, works by combining perspectives from around the world to create a picture of the world we live in.

fonte Current TV