The European Union said today it would not lift a boycott of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian government, despite warnings from aid organisations that the structure of a future Palestinian state is being severely eroded.
Since the formation of a new Palestinian unity government two months ago, some countries have begun to take a more open approach, either recognising it or promising to restart direct funding. But the EU, which makes the largest donation to the Palestinians, has yet to lift its boycott despite growing differences between member states.
"There is no change as long as you have in the government a party that refuses to leave its armed wing and armed action," Louis Michel, the EU aid commissioner, said today. "We cannot deal with people who have an armed wing. It would be a very dangerous precedent."
But Mr Michel was criticised after giving a speech to the aid community in Jerusalem today. Nago Humbert, head of the Swiss Médecins du Monde agency, told him: "Your discussion is surreal to the people on the ground. It doesn't reflect the reality."
Gli aiuti che arrivano adesso sono quelli legati all'emergenza ma non allo sviluppo: questo significa che più di 150mila impiegati pubblici (compresi insegnanti e medici) nell'ultimo anno sono stati pagati meno della metà del loro salario.
The EU has established a temporary mechanism to pay money into government employees' bank accounts to alleviate the crisis. It has also asked Israel to pay the frozen tax revenues this way, but without success.
There are some signs of change. Russia, France and China, three of the permanent five UN security council members, have recognised the new coalition government. Norway has said it will start funding. France, Italy and Spain are also thought to want a relaxation of the boycott.
(fonte The Guardian, Eu refuses to lift boycott of Palestinian government)